Introducing ourselves – from the business formation until today.
January 2001
Formation of the company Karaca in Rheinmünster-Greffern by Mehmet Karaca, who started as a one-man firm and who is the manager of our company to this day.
January 2003
Relocation, based on the continuously increasing demand to bigger company grounds in Lichtenau/Baden, and also change of the company's name to Karaca Industrieservice.
March 2003
Since that date operating as an official licenced repairer through EPAL (European Pallet Association) for the repair of EUR-box pallets.
Our EPAL-licence-number: D-240.
October 2005
Relocation, based on the furthermore rising customer acquisition, to bigger company grounds with 10.000 m2 in Rheinmünster-Greffern.
September 2010
Change of the companies name to Karaca Industrieservice GmbH and establishment of the one-hundred-percent affiliated company Karaca UG, which concerns purchase, sale and also the rental of means of transportation and transport containers
Up until today
Continuously growing company, which is definitely up to the standarts of today's business and employs a large amount of people and which is momentarily concerned with establishing facilities at other locations.